This is an interesting small hand made coin bowl spoon which commemorates the Tyrolian Rebellion of 1809

tyrollian rebellion coin tooth spoon

In 1809 a band of peasants led by Andreas Hofer revolted against the occupation of their homeland by French and Bavarian troops under Napoleon.

During this short lived rebellion  only one style of coin was minted.  In good condition this is a very rare silver coin.

This 20 Kreuzer coin  was only minted in 1809 and made out of 585/1000 quality silver and it is about 27mm or about the size of a quarter.

Also notice there there are two tiny teeth mounted at the finial with silver wire wrap. 

Apparently the Bavarian occupation government angered the local populace by raising taxes and barring the export of cattle (and other items) into Bavaria and
also banning religious customs which were considered to be a important part of the Tyrolean culture.

I suspect that these are the teeth from some type of cow.

bavaria 15 kreuzer spoon

The bowls are Bavarian 30 Kreuzers and are dated  1724 and 1731. 
Front and  reverse views shown

This is a better picture of the coin

Emanuel Maximilian II (1679-1726), 30 Kreuzer, draped bust of the king right, MAX EMA H I B C REX, rev., rampant lion holding sword and crowned arms

bavarian coin spoon

bavarian 1753 coin spoonbavarian 1753 coin spoon

This 1753  Bavarian Thaler features King Maximilian Joseph  on the front and the back features the Madonna and Child
In 1750 the quality and size of these coins was reduced.
The monetary agreement between Austria and Bavaria in 1753 began the period of the Conventionsthaler, a Thaler set at 10 to equal one Cologne Mark of silver.
Its weight was 28.0g with a fineness of 833.0. Over time this coin spread into a large portion of central and southern Germany.

The full maned standing lion at the finial of this spoon  is cast and is very heavy. The lion is used on the coat of arms of Bavaria.

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