Brazil ( Federative Republic of Brazil) is the  fifth largest country in the world and occupies almost half of South America. Numerous archipelagos are also part of the Brazilian territory, including Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim Vaz.

coin spoon brazil nude man

This nude man is sitting on top of the stem in a very suggestive pose. I haven't yet figured out what he is supposed to represent.
Pedro II (Petrus II) ruled Brazil from 1831 to 1889.
The bowl of this spoon is a large 1856 silver Petrus 11 --  2000 reis coin

There are modern Chinese forgeries of this coin on the market. This spoon was made a long time ago and I suspect that the coin is genuine.

This is a picture of the Chinese forgery coins

King Pedro ll (Petrus) coins were minted from 1867 - 1889 in basically the same format. The large 2000 Reis silver coin (.724 ounce)  in this spoon is dated 1889 thus it was from the last year of the series.

All of the coins feature the left facing portrait of Petrus 11 on the obverse and the reverse features a wreathed Jerusalem cross crowned shield.

brazil 2000 reis petrus spoon

The handle on this bowl is not marked, but I suspect it is made from a melted coin and is hand hammered with hand cutouts

brazil 2000  reis

Brazil coin spoon

This spoon features a large 1816 silver coin bowl. I suspect that some type of semi precious rock was originally at the finial

BRAZIL, Colonial. Juan VI, King of Portugal. 1816-1826. AR 960 Reis (26.77 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1818. IOANNES • D • G • PORT • P • REGENS • ET • BRAS • D •, crowned coat-of-arms; 1818, 960 and three rosettes around / SUBQ. SIGN. NATA STAB., cross potent on armillary sphere; R on band. Leaved edge. Overstruck on Mexico City 8 reales, date 180-. Gomes 29.19; KM 307.3. Superb EF, lustrous multi-hued patina.

Brazil silver coin spoons

1. (left) nice crowned spoon featuring a 1816 silver 200 reis Brazilian coin
2. a nice crowned spoon featuring a 1902 silver 200 reis Brazilian coin
note: these coins are clearly a different size, but are the same denomination

Brazil gemstone coin spoons
These six gemstone spoons feature unfaceted polished semi-precious stones.
The bowls feature 50 centavo coins dated in the 1950's.
These coins are not silver and I don't think the stems are silver either

brazil amethyst coin gem spoonbrazil gem coin spoon
This nice Brazilian spoon features a raw piece of amethyst in the finial above a silver bow
The coin is a   200 REIS: 0.067 troy ounces silver
This silver coin from Brazil  uses the  the portrait of King Pedro (Petrus) II, and the
Brazilian coat of arms on the back --( a wreathed and crowned coat of arms with a bannered globe.)


brazil citrine spoon gem coinbrazil coin gem citrine spoon

This nice Brazilian spoon features a raw piece of citrine in the finial above a silver bow
The coin is a different version of the 200 reis coin seen in the amethyst piece above.
note: Petrus 11 portrait is not on this spoon, but  instead is a large numeric denominations.
otherwise the coin is the same size and weight as the spoon above

 200 REIS, 0.132 troy ounces silver  (undated)

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