At the Eastern end of the bustling market square in Nuremberg is  the oldest gothic hall church tower and one of the most ornate in Bavaria,   known as Frauenkirche,
which was built by Peter Parler,  a Prague Cathedral builder between 1350 and 1358.

The western facade is very beautiful and at noon each day, the crowds watch  a spectacle called Mannleinlaufen which  features seven figures
representing electoral princes parading clockwise three times around a seated emperor Karl lV (accompanied by music).

nuremburg clock spoon

The most interesting part of this mechanical spoon is the highly three dimensional figures in the clock tower (see below)
The bowl also has an embossed skyline of the city of Nuremberg.
This little souvenir spoon has three untraced marks.
I suspect that it is 800 silver

nurember clock spoon

Sorry the picture is slightly blurry, but this is a 30x enlarged picture of the clock mechanism.
As you can see there is a silver seated emperor, Karl lV surrounded by very tiny silver men
There are also very tiny silver trumpet players on each side.

Twisting the steeple makes the turntable move in a clockwise manner
(but it doesn't play music)

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