Full figural of a Lumberjack from Canada

In some cases a tree is used as a city symbol.

Oakland, California

Pass of the Oaks, Paso Robles, California

redwood logging scene

Sequoia trees, California. The left one is a nice sugar shell

tree spoon longfellow

Nice tree handle. The bowl shows the Longfellow Home in Portland, Me.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  was a very famous American Poet (2/27/1807 – 3/24/1882)

Pine Tree

Branch of a pepper tree (California). Pepper trees were very popular at this time in history and many were planted in the Southern California area. When I first moved to my community the pepper trees lined the roads and created a surrealistic atmosphere. Now most of them have been cut down in the name of progress.

Palm trees may be found in their own exhibit.

Other tree spoons may also be seen in the California exhibit

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