The Wild West show was an American phenomenon that started in the
1880's and saw its demise by 1913.
There were several shows featuring stagecoach attacks, Indians, gun
fights shooting exhibitions and buffalo, but the biggest and most
important was Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show which dominated the
business in both the United States and Europe.
Buffalo Bill (William F. Cody) adapted western life to fit a
captivating mythological image which intrigued common citizens as well
as Presidents, Kings and royalty.
Hunt scenes and horse races were very popular, but the shooting
displays and trick shots seemed to really capture the public
Annie Oakley ("Little Sure Shot") was the most famous of these shooting
experts and she delighted audiences with her remarkable shooting skills
such as shooting
a cigarette out from between a person's lips (including Crown Prince
Wilhelm), mirror shots and shooting items out of the sky.
Buffalo Bill took his whole cast of actors, indians, buffalos, horses
and stagecoach to Europe three times. These shows were hugely
successful and attracted
Queen Victoria, Kaiser Wilhelm and numerous other members of royalty.
A large German spoon featuring an image of Buffalo Bill (Col. William
F. Cody) as well as an indian on horseback and a buffalo.
The tea spoon and ruler are to help you visualize size
The white streak is just a reflection.
The inscription reads "Col. Cody, wonderful show, Sir Wilhelm"
A large silver spoon featuring a portrait of Annie Oakley.
The tea spoon and ruler are to help you visualize size.
The white streak is just a reflection.
The inscription reads; "Annie Oakley Thank you, Haakon V11"
(Haakon V11, Prince of Denmark, King of Norway)
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